The best land usage on your home’s property.
When people think of green in the home, the last thing that is paid attention to is the landscape and the benefits that come with the property. Some say that there is no such thing as a green home because the land that it replaces is never the same as the original ecosystem that existed there before building. However, the impact of your house is really based on the amount of original ecosystem that surrounds it on the property. The fact that new track homes are clean with new lawns and asphalt driveways are not anything like or resembling the original ecosystem. This is where home owners can make a quantifiable difference in the environment for the better.The soil of the earth and it's plants are like the lungs of our planet. It's approximated that 3% of the square footage area, not counting roads, of the United States is inhabited by residential and commercial buildings. If you had a lung blockage of 3%, you'd be in the hospital or at least on medication.

The landscaping for green techniques are using native plantings for decoration with a dual purpose for aesthetics and the environment. When a tree is planted in the parkway of your house, it's to beautify the neighborhood. When you plant a tree and decorative grasses on your property, it looks great while providing resources for composting, wind breaks, air quality, natural habitat and shade for energy efficiency.
Here's some great links from Better Homes and Gardens and the Landscaping Network for your information.
Better Home & Garden green-landscaping
Landscaping landscape-design

Land use from neighborhood development has design water management techniques that flows surface water past natural aquifers and tributaries. Areas that may have had surface water or flooding during wet seasons are now dry areas. This makes for a stable dry ground area on which build. It takes a lot of water in the soil to fill aquifers and it takes a lot of time for the ground to soak up and relaese that much water. When the water is passed through sand like ground it can move the earth and cause sink holes, sliding or sink-age in entire neighborhoods, Storm water management tries to reduce the risk of sinkage by diverting water away from neighborhoods. Many times this system can be efficient to the point the soil doesn't get replenishment. Plants can only absorb so much water and the water moves too fast for the aquifers to replenish. So through water management and land management skill, the water on your property can stay on the property longer and distributed slowly and responsibly through the newly created soil from your luxurious vegetative landscaping. This will help provide cleaner drinking water for generations to come. By using the ecosystem with your land, your communities can stay more sustainable.
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